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Top five fitness apps you must try during the quarantine. - Roshni Sanghvi

Top five fitness apps you must try during the quarantine.

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Time to Read: 5 Minutes

You have a choice to either take this quarantine as an excuse to eat unhealthy and come out only to start over, or use this time to work on developing your fitness and come out stronger.

Good news folks! With technology at our fingerprints, you will not have to leave your home or invest in expensive personal trainers to get fit anymore.

Here, I have curated for you my top 5 favourite fitness apps that covers different forms of fitness so there is something for you no matter what you like. Continue reading till the end of the article for a sample exercise plan I have curated to get you a head start no matter what your fitness level is.

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  • Nike Run Pro:

Free for download on apple store and Google Play.

This one is great for those who have access to an apartment jogging track or are living in a part of the world where you can still go run outside.

Imagine running alongside Kevin Hart! Well more like running with Kevin Hart constantly motivating you in the background. This app offers just that. Weather you want a literal coach to talk and motivate you through the run or plan your first marathon, this app is it. Even if running is not your preferred form of fitness, I suggest you give this app a try for it's guided runs feature. The app is simple to use, just download and choose what type of run you want to go for. It has everything from ‘first run’ to ‘I don’t want to run today’ run.

The app tracks your distance/ time etc and even lets you participate in, and create global challenges. Achievements are celebrated with trophies and badges that will keep you hooked to your fitness goals. They do have a built- in feature to shop for top end Nike fitness gear, however I do not suggest investing in the same unless you want to go professional. With no pop- up add’s and high- quality graphics, you are sure to love this one.

  • Alomoves:

Available on apple store and Google Play for 1425/- per month (14 day free trial available).

This app will redefine the meaning of yoga and home fitness to you. With thousands of videos to choose from and multiple forms of yoga, there is something for everyone, irrespective of your fitness level. The app hosts world- class instructors including renounced Kundalini practitioner Gurumukh Kaur Khalsa and the creator of Awakening yoga himself, Patrick Beach. The app also hosts separate sections for mindfulness and nutrition. What's more, think of any cool skill you want to learn like a backbend or handstand, the app has video classes specific to those as well.

Classes are in form of exceptionally well-created videos ranging from as little as 10 minutes or longer. Simple set your preferred intensity level and get started. Though you can pop in for a single class at any time, I would suggest you stick to one series and complete it for maximum benefits.

  • FitPlan:

Available on apple store and Google Play for just 1649/- per month.

Ever wondered what Kim Kardashian’s and Michael B Jorden’s training style looks like? Well this app holds training plan from celebrity personal trainers with detailed videos to help you kick start your regimen. Though the app has various different home and gym training plans, it is mostly centred around strength training. FitPlan allows you to select your intensity level, available time to invest towards fitness and even focused muscle group you want to target to help you choose the best plan.

Most plans are 3-6 weeks long with detailed videos so you have your personal trainer in your pocket at all times. Their pre and postnatal plans are worth checking out for pregnant women especially since we really do not have enough certified personal trainers who specialise in helping to- be and new mommies. Make sure to log in your stats and take before- after pictures regularly on the app to help you stay focused.


Available on apple store for 995/ month.

One of the most crucial yet underrated aspect of fitness is flexibility. Tight hamstrings for a runner or limited mobility in the spine for a yogi can not only set you back but might be a signal for future long- term injury. This app is a playground for anyone who wants to work on flexibility. ROMWOD stands for Range of Motion Workout of the Day and focuses on optimising your range of motion by working on holding stretches for long.

Background narration with their flow along training videos is extremely soothing and relaxing. Do not mistake this for a ‘stretching class’ and think it is easy though. If done properly, you will soon realise that the classes are very intense and will leave you with a happy lingering soreness. I would highly suggest adding video’s from this routine as part of cool- down on your rest days.

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  • The 7 minute workout:

Available for free on apple store and Google Play.

If ‘ill start from Monday’ has been your slogan for many years, download this app now. Though there are many versions of this app, the basic concept is the same. It will get you moving for just 7 minutes. You can choose to do an easy 7 minute routine to stretch or an intense 7 minute high intensity interval training type of workout. Do not expect to get a six- pack with this app, but just something to get you started.

It is also a great tool to carry on holidays when you can wake up to a 7 minute workout and enjoy the rest of the day. Of course this will not be enough from the perspective of a chiseled physique, but isn’t fitness really about creating minor lifestyle changes and sticking with them. Also who knows, one you finish 7 minutes, your body will probably be pumped and ready for more!

Here is a sample one week routine to get you started:

I of course have my own nutrition and fitness app for my clients. Do checkout my customised meal and fitness plans by clicking here.

Let's Just Talk. No Obligations.

I do free consultations every Tuesday's and Thursday's. Either way you will get some actionable tips to reach your fitness goals faster.

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N.Anusuya - April 27, 2022

Today, I watched infinipath and saw you and heard about you through Mahatria. I am an infinitheist and I want to reduce weight holistically and to be fit.i need your help.

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About Roshni Sanghvi

Roshni Sanghvi is an Indian plant-based sports nutritionist and body transformation specialist. She is the first Indian to represent on a national bodybuilding stage being on a 100% plant-based diet. Roshni is a holistic nutritionist, graduated from the prestigious NutraPhoria college of nutrition in Canada.

She is also an ACE-certified personal trainer, certified PlantFed gut coach, certified Bodyshred, and Animal flow instructor with a specialisation in disease reversal through food and lifestyle modification.

Her approach is more focused on helping you in adopting a healthy lifestyle. With her result-oriented holistic methods, she has managed to transform and reverse lifestyle diseases such as PCOS, Thyroid, Diabetes etc for 12k+ clients worldwide.