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  • 7 Reasons Why A Gluten-Free Diet Might Not Be The Answer For Diabetes.
    July 21, 2024

    7 Reasons Why A Gluten-Free Diet Might Not Be The Answer For Diabetes.

    A 2014 survey of dietitians found that the anti-wheat sentiment was the top dieting trend of the year. After that year, we have seen all kinds of weight loss trends get famous overnight.

    But the charm of a gluten-free diet has never gotten any less. 

    From grocery shelves overflowing with gluten-free options to restaurants offering dedicated gluten-free menus, it's clear this dietary trend is here to stay.

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  • 7 Reasons why the Carnivore Diet is Bad for Diabetes.
    July 10, 2024

    7 Reasons why the Carnivore Diet is Bad for Diabetes.

    In the ever-evolving world of diets, the carnivore diet has been making a splash. 

    An honest comment: Diets for weight loss and diabetes management have almost become 'cults'. Popularized by the likes of Paul Saladino and Jordan Peterson, Carnivore diet has gained quite the traction in recent times.

    Each diet and its followers blindly advocating for themselves. We should never forget that our top priority and goal should be human health, nothing else.

    The carnivore diet is focused solely on meat, fish, and sometimes eggs. It promises:

    1. rapid weight loss, and,
    2. improved health.

    The internet is buzzing with an endless stream of new diets, each promising to be the magic bullet to weight loss. With so many dietary trends emerging, it's important to be aware of their potential benefits and drawbacks.

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  • 5 Reasons Why Statins Aren't the Answer for Cholesterol Management.
    July 5, 2024

    5 Reasons Why Statins Aren't the Answer for Cholesterol Management.

    Cholesterol is a waxy substance found in our blood, playing a surprising double agent role.

    • On one hand, cholesterol is essential for building healthy cells and producing sex hormones.
    • But on the other hand, high levels of cholesterol can wreak havoc, turning from a helpful building block into a dangerous roadblock.

    What is the solution? The pharmaceutical industry suggests the use of statins. A cholesterol lowering drug, to be used indefinitely. 

    Statins are a group of drugs that inhibit the pathway in the body that makes cholesterol. This might sound like a dream - the perfect way of managing cholesterol, but it is? 

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  • Are the ADA (American Diabetic Association) Guidelines a One-Size-Fits-All Approach Right for Every Diabetic?
    June 18, 2024

    Are the ADA (American Diabetic Association) Guidelines a One-Size-Fits-All Approach Right for Every Diabetic?

    I will often have clients join my program who tell me that their doctor has aske them to follow the ADA diet for diabetes management. They would have tried to do so themselves and even decipher the eating pattern based on web research, but with little success. 

    The ADA (American Diabetes Association) is a leading non-profit in the US dedicated to everything related to diabetes.

    You probably already know about it. 

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  • 5 Steps to Reverse Diabetes Neuropathy Naturally.
    June 16, 2024

    5 Steps to Reverse Diabetes Neuropathy Naturally.

    Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that can occur if you have diabetes. High blood sugar (glucose) levels can injure nerves throughout your body, but diabetic neuropathy most often damages nerves in your legs and feet. It is a common and serious complication of diabetes that affects up to 50% of people with diabetes.

    Because we specialize in Diabetes Management, it is common for us to see clients struggling with neuropathy often. It also seems to be a wake- up call for a lot of our clients.

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  • 10 Hidden Food Ingredients That Might Be Making Your Diabetes Worse.
    June 16, 2024

    10 Hidden Food Ingredients That Might Be Making Your Diabetes Worse.

    Mindful eating is absolutely essential when you have diabetes. It's all about being aware of what you're putting on your plate – and how it might affect your blood sugar. 

    However, here's the catch: sneaky ingredients can hide in seemingly healthy foods, making diabetes management difficult.

    These are sugars, fats, and other ingredients that companies might add to processed foods without clearly labeling them. They can appear as unrecognizable terms on the ingredient list, making it tough to know what you're really consuming.

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  • 7 Reasons Why A High Protein Diet is Bad for Diabetes Management.
    June 7, 2024

    7 Reasons Why A High Protein Diet is Bad for Diabetes Management.

    When it comes to Diabetes, excess fats add to body weight, and carbohydrates directly cause sugar spikes.

    In this scenario, protein has always been the go- to nutrient for people with diabetes. Why? It is protein, after all! We know that it helps build lean muscle mass. Also, it does not cause sugar spikes.

    But are there any downsides to eating a high- protein diet? Also, does the type of protein you are eating (weather it is coming from animal's or plant's) matter? Is chicken different from paneer or both different from pulses?

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  • From Pre-Conception to Delivery: Mastering Diabetes for a Healthy Pregnancy.
    May 28, 2024

    From Pre-Conception to Delivery: Mastering Diabetes for a Healthy Pregnancy.

    If you are pregnant, or planning to get pregnant, your doctor must have guided you about gestational diabetes. When a pregnant, non-diabetic female develops diabetes after the 20th week of gestation, we call it gestational diabetes. This often goes away after childbirth, but the risk remains in the subsequent pregnancies.

    You might be concluding that if it develops only after the 20th week and goes away by itself, there is nothing to worry about.

    But Gestational Diabetes can put the baby and yourself at risk. 

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  • Diabetes Reversal with a Mediterranean Diet- Do's and Don'ts
    May 22, 2024

    Diabetes Reversal with a Mediterranean Diet- Do's and Don'ts

    During a conversation with a patient, I sensed they had made peace with their diabetes. 

    So I asked them a question. ‘Have you heard about the Mediterranean diet?

    They told me that the Mediterranean diet is a traditional diet that involves eating organic, natural foods, mostly plants. When I told them that traditionally, the Mediterranean's never had diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, or any such disease, they were amazed. 

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