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  • Jain Diet for Weight Loss + Meal Plans - Roshni Sanghvi
    July 1, 2021

    Jain Diet for Weight Loss + Meal Plans

    Jainism is one of the three of the oldest religions followed in India. Based on the principles of Ahimsa (non- violence) and Aparigraha (non- possession), Jain Dharma followers are inclined towards following a plant- based lifestyle anyways.
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  • I tried Intermittent Fasting for 30 Days and Here Are My Results - Roshni Sanghvi
    July 1, 2021

    I tried Intermittent Fasting for 30 Days and Here Are My Results

    Being on a plant- based diet, I have tried multiple types of fad diets. I have been hearing about intermediate fasting for quite sometime now and had to give it a try. Firstly, intermittent fasting (IF) is a very popular “diet/ lifestyle” concept, where you spend periods of time lasting from 14-20 hours not eating. 

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  • South Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss. - Roshni Sanghvi
    July 1, 2021

    South Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss.

    Southern India cuisine does fascinate you with its mind-diverting aromas.

    However, compared to the calorie-induced North Indian diet, food from down south might actually assist you in your weight loss journey.

    How about kick-starting your metabolism with Upma. The wholesome porridge made with semolina and vegetables keeps you fuller for longer. This means you automatically binge less. 

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  • Phatt diet vs Keto diet - Roshni Sanghvi
    July 1, 2021

    Phatt diet vs Keto diet

    With an increasing number of people wanting to lose or maintain their weight, people often resort to dieting. It has already become a multibillion-dollar industry in the United States. So, whether you’re looking for a diet to become healthier or help treat a particular condition, you must understand them in full detail.  

    Keto and the Phatt diet are two of the most common diet trends in 2020 among health enthusiasts. Read on to learn all about them. 

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  • Healthy Punjabi Diet Plan For Weight Loss! - Roshni Sanghvi
    January 25, 2021

    Healthy Punjabi Diet Plan For Weight Loss!

    Full of life, robust and rich- these adjectives pretty much sum up Punjabi khana and Punjabis. As you know, the Punjabi menu is all about hearty spices, ingredients, and bold textures. The mere thought of the delicious cuisine makes us drool as we sit down to eat and enjoy a glass of chaanch or lassi. Well, that’s Punjab for you!
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  • Does an alkaline diet work for Fat Loss? - Roshni Sanghvi
    July 17, 2020

    Does an alkaline diet work for Fat Loss?

    We all have a pH level, a delicate balance of acid and alkaline. This level is regulated by our body within a healthy range, to keep us alive. However, certain foods produce more acid in the body and are harder on our organs. Leading to long term health problems.
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  • Debunking the GM diet and why it doesn’t work? - Roshni Sanghvi
    July 7, 2020

    Debunking the GM diet and why it doesn’t work?

    GM diet was introduced by the employees of the company General Motor, in order to get in shape. This diet focuses around 'quick weight loss' but could have serious consequences on your health. The meal plan is only one week long but quite challenging. This diet particularly allows unlimited quantity, however the restriction prevails on the type of food to have.

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  • 6 ways to boost fat loss during intermittent fasting. - Roshni Sanghvi
    May 26, 2020

    6 ways to boost fat loss during intermittent fasting.

    Intermittent fasting is not only very easy to sustain as it does not demand a radical departure from your current eating habits, it also does not involve you into actively counting calories in order to seek positive results.

    Intermittent fasting allows you to have meals that you enjoy with an approach like 16:8 rule, where in an 8 hour window one can consume food and fast for the rest of the time during the day.

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