Vegan Cashew Sour Cream
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Rated 4.7 stars by 3 users
Such an easy and versatile recipe to have in your fridge at all times!
This stores well for 5-7 days and is really quick to make. Especially if you cook oil- free, cashew add in some brain- healthy essential fats to your diet. They are also loaded in magnesium and iron! The kind of stuff you need to keep cravings at bay. Try and add a spoonful in any Indian curries you are making. I love adding this on anything Mexican I cook.
The cashew sour cream, apart from being scrumptiously delicious, and a very good substitute to mayonnaise, is also very healthy, unlike your average mayonnaise. It is the best and healthiest vegan mayonnaise option. It has a very high content of magnesium which can help regulate your blood pressure, and keep your immune system in check. It is also cholesterol free which again, is just a cherry on top. Since, cashews are also a very rich source of copper and fiber, it helps the healthy buildup of your muscles and absorbs iron into your body. It keeps your bones healthy, and if you’re looking to lose some weight and still enjoy your mayonnaise, cashew sour cream is the way to go.
The sour cashew cream is a delicious dip for your favorite fries, chicken, or anything you want at all. With the creaminess and goodness of cashews, this makes a great substitute to your average generic mayonnaise. The cream is quick and easy to make and you can store it in your refrigerator for 5-7 days easily. Since it is 100% vegan, and a great vegan mayonnaise option, all the vegans out there can use this recipe to their advantage. It has a very high content of magnesium which can help regulate your blood pressure, and keep your immune system in check. It is also cholesterol-free which again, is just a cherry on top for all the people looking out for their weight. It is the best and healthiest vegan mayonnaise option out there. Since cashews are also a very rich source of copper and fiber, it helps the healthy buildup of your muscles and absorbs iron into your body. It keeps your bones healthy, and if you’re looking to lose some weight, and keep your calorie intake in check, and still enjoy your mayonnaise, cashew sour cream is the way to go.
Stores well for 5-7 days in a glass container.
I do free consultations every Tuesday's and Thursday's. Either way you will get some actionable tips to reach your fitness goals faster.
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