Indian Diet Chart For Type 1 Diabetes Management
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Type 1 diabetes mellitus or type 1 diabetes classifies as an autoimmune disease affecting 9.5% of the population across the globe. This number is also constantly growing with every decade.
Type 1 diabetics carry an 11- 14 times an increased risk of death compared to the general population. This itself should be motivating to someone to make lifestyle changes to manage the condition.
Type 1 Diabetes vs Type 2 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are metabolic diseases that can cause our blood sugar to increase and inhibit insulin production.
The two forms of diabetes generally crossover symptomatically, but they could surface at a different stage in our lives and might have some essential differences that set them apart.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease that usually prevents the pancreas from producing insulin. There is a belief that Type 1 diabetes is triggered by genetics and our environment. So people are basically born with limited to no beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. Type 1 commonly manifests at a young age, and it lasts a lifetime.
Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, has multiple contributing factors such as genetics, lifestyle factors like obesity and inactivity. Generally, the disease arises during adulthood and can be reversed or controlled through exercise and diet. Read more about type 2 diabetes here:
Autoimmune diseases are a specific group of conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks your own body.
The immune system is an integral part of the human body and keeps harmful bacteria and viruses at bay in normal circumstances.However, those people who suffer from an autoimmune disease have a malfunctioning immune systems. Instead of sending antibodies to kill those harmful agents, the immune system mistakes certain parts of your body, such as the pancrea's incase of diabetes.
But is it all genetics? According to Dr. Michael Greger, MD, pioneer in disease management through lifestyle and nutrition:
"Some countries have low rates of incidence, and others have high rates. Japan, for example, has type 1 diabetes rates 18 times lower than the United States. This disparity isn’t due only to genetics, however, because, when children migrate, they tend to acquire the risk of their new home, suggesting it’s got something to do with the environment, diet, or lifestyle. In fact, the incidence rates vary more than 350-fold around the world. Some countries have rates hundreds of times higher than others, and it is on the rise. Researchers looked at 37 populations from around the world and found that the incidence has been increasing about 3 percent a year—our genes don’t change that fast. In fact, they couldn’t find a single population with decreasing incidence of type 1 diabetes."
So if not gene's, what else could be the cause. And is this reversible?
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Let's first look at what causes type 1 diabetes.
We never eat exactly the amount of food required for the body at that time. Thus, our body is smart to store some of the food we eat in the form of glycogen, in the liver and muscle cells. When in need, the body will break it's glycogen stores down to be reused as energy, like, when you are starving.
The job to store excess glucose to glycogen is done by the hormone called insulin which is produced by the pancreas.
In type 1 diabetes, the immune system targets and destroys the pancreas's insulin-producing cells (known as beta cells). When the pancreas stops producing insulin, glucose (sugar), from the food we eat, cannot be stored in the liver and muscles. Instead, it keep floating in the blood. Unfortunately, this leads to an increase in blood sugar levels, coupled with other health issues.
This condition occurs mainly in children and young people; therefore, it is also called juvenile diabetes.
Does Casein in Milk Exposure Trigger Type 1 Diabetes?Casein, is a type of protein molecule found in cow's milk. Over 80% of milk protein is actually Casein.
Now, the question arises: what causes diabetes, especially in children?Several elements have been assumed to tipping children into diabetes. These include vitamin D deficiency, cow's milk exposure, or even certain infections.
Decades ago, cross-country comparison publications showed a correlation between milk consumption and the incidence of type 1 diabetes, such as insulin-dependent, childhood-onset diabetes. The studies showed that "94% of the geographic variation in incidence is explainable by differences in milk consumption [alone]." So countries with higher milk consumption had higher causes of type 1 diabetes. More about the same is discussed in this blog:
It started with studies that state 'fewer (the) babies are breastfed, the higher the rate of type 1 diabetes.' It led to the conclusion that breast milk protects newborn infants during the first few months of life.
Since the gut of the infants is still developing, it is particularly triggered by animal proteins. Thus, cow milk formula fed babies were at a greater risk at developing diabetes.
In infants, the immune system attacks foreign cow proteins, and end up killing the beta cells in the pancreas instead. In this situation, the pancreas gets caught in the crossfire. However, this was based on animal experiments.
Not long after, researchers decided to test this theory on humans. Thus, the researchers drew blood from children with type 1 diabetes to observe elevated antibody levels attacking the bovine proteins. There were observations that every child affected had elevated anti-bovine protein antibodies.
Meat Consumption and the Development of Type 1 DiabetesMycobacterium paratuberculosis is a bacterial infection that affects dairy and livestock. Mycobacterium paratuberculosis also exists in beef, pork, and chicken. It often survives pasteurization of milk and high cooking temperatures. Thus, making its way into your plate, and your stomach.
This bacteria may even trigger type 1 diabetes. ParaTB bacteria exist in the bloodstream of most type 1 diabetics tested, exposed through the retail milk supply.
The more dairy we eat, the higher the rates of type 1 diabetes we have. But, the same is valid for meat.
And, there is a negative correlation between the intake of grains and type 1 diabetes. It fits within the general context of "a lower prevalence of chronic diseases" among people consuming plant-based foods. And, "the increase in meat consumption over time" seemed to parallel the increasing incidence of the disease.
Infant, so much so that even the consumption of meat by the mother while pregnant translates to higher incidences of diabetes in infants!
In the fight for diabetes, nutrition is simple, and science is clear, keep dairy and meat of your plate. But what about Ghee? Here you go:
High- fat diet's and Type 1 Diabetes
Stop sugar, stop carbs, stop grains, stop meat. So what's left on your plate? FAT. Bad idea!Let's Just Talk. No Obligations.
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