Vinegar and diabetes management?
What's the hype about Apple Cider Vinegar?
The underrated Vinegar.
Vinegar with meals has proven to be a remedy for diabetes, as it helps control blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and inflammation. Effects of acetic acid (the main component of vinegar) for fat loss are popular in recent culture.
A 12- week Japanese study showed the benefits of acetic acid on weight loss without nutritional and exercise intervention. Now, this doesn’t give you an all-free pass of eating junk, but rather look at adding vinegar to your diet as an additional ingredient to help you stay fit.
There was another popular study that showed that women who added vinegar to their salad dressing every day had 50% lesser risk of heart attack VS women who did not include vinegar. That’s great, right! Although, it could just be the fact that women who added vinegar ate salads, thus were more protected. We do know eating more fruits and vegetables protects you against cardiovascular diseases.
Either way, what harm does adding one tbsp of vinegar to your daily meal do, except make your salad’s tastier.
Be it balsamic vinegar or apple cider vinegar, adding vinegar to our grocery list is much cheaper than a diabetic drug.
Aim to get (no more) than a tbsp with your dinner and lunch each.
Vinegar is strong, please do not have it raw. Mix it with 250 ml water or use it as a seasoning on salads.
Want Some Motivation? Listen To Our Client's Diabetes Reversal Story.
Here is a fun salad dressing recipe for you to try:

1 cup cashews (or sunflower seeds)
1 1/2 cup water
3 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tsp dried oregano
1/2 – 3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper
Loving you always,
Roshni Sanghvi.
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