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Should I exercise in the mornings or evenings? | Roshni Sanghvi

Should I exercise in the mornings or evenings?

Does the time you exercise matter?

Does the time you exercise make any difference when it comes to your weight loss goals?

In all honesty, no. It is important to exercise and the time you choose to do so has little effect with regard to your results.

That being said, I have been training in the mornings for years now for various reasons. Here is why I think it helps:

Workout in the mornings:

If you’re on the fence about starting a morning workout routine, consider the following benefits.

  • Fewer distractions.

Morning workouts typically mean you’re less prone to distractions. When you first wake up, you haven’t started tackling the day’s to-do list. You’re also less likely to get phone calls, text messages, and emails.

With fewer distractions, you’re more likely to follow through with your workout.

  • Beat the heat.

In the summer, working out in the morning will feel more comfortable, as the hottest part of the day is 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It’s recommended to avoid outdoor exercise during this time.

If you prefer outdoor activities, it’s best to work out in the early morning, especially on very hot days.

  • Increased alertness.

A morning workout may be a better match for your body’s hormonal fluctuations.

Cortisol is a hormone that keeps you awake and alert. It’s often called the stress hormone, but it only causes problems when there’s too much or too little of it.

Typically, cortisol increases in the early morning hours and drops in the evening. It reaches its peak around 8 a.m. If you have a healthy circadian rhythm, your body might be more primed to exercise at this time.

  • Better focus.

Physical activity also improves focus and concentration, regardless of when you do it. But if you have trouble focusing during the day, a morning workout might be just the ticket.

A 2019 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that morning exercise improves attention, visual learning, and decision-making.

In the study, participants completed a round of 8-hour days of prolonged sitting with and without a 30-minute morning walk on the treadmill. On some days, they also took 3-minute walking breaks every 30 minutes.

The days with morning exercise were associated with better cognition throughout the day, especially when paired with regular breaks.

If a morning workout does not fit into your schedule, make it a point to move actively in the evening!

A well-structured 45-minute fitness routine done four times a day is more than enough to help you seek its benefits.

Loving you always,

Roshni Sanghvi.

Let's Just Talk. No Obligations.

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About Roshni Sanghvi

Roshni Sanghvi is an Indian plant-based sports nutritionist and body transformation specialist. She is the first Indian to represent on a national bodybuilding stage being on a 100% plant-based diet. Roshni is a holistic nutritionist, graduated from the prestigious NutraPhoria college of nutrition in Canada.

She is also an ACE-certified personal trainer, certified PlantFed gut coach, certified Bodyshred, and Animal flow instructor with a specialisation in disease reversal through food and lifestyle modification.

Her approach is more focused on helping you in adopting a healthy lifestyle. With her result-oriented holistic methods, she has managed to transform and reverse lifestyle diseases such as PCOS, Thyroid, Diabetes etc for 12k+ clients worldwide.