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Seven vegan doctors to follow on Instagram - Roshni Sanghvi

Seven vegan doctors to follow on Instagram

Best nutrition experts on Instagram

I love nothing more than doctors who keep themselves updated with research in the field of nutrition.

They say that a doctor who doesn’t ask you about your lifestyle and nutritional habits before prescribing you drugs is really a drug dealer.

Now while the above quote is far fetched, I in no way am trying to undermine the authority of doctors. But it is a fact that nutritional and lifestyle changes must be the cornerstone to your health.

If you want to learn the top global doctors who have been incorporating the plant-based diet in their practice and follow them on Instagram, you're in the right place!

Here is a list of my favourite doctors who are up- to- date with nutritional science and vocal about their views online:

Dr Michael Greger:

Dr Greger is a well known vegan doctor behind, a website that offers free research-based nutritional information. He also wrote the famous book published in 2015, 'How Not to Die', in which he outlines disease reversal through food and lifestyle changes alone. His easy to understand snit- bids about lifestyle changes for optimal health serve as my personal daily motivation.

His page is filled with no BS scientific data, presented in easy to understand short video’s or pictures. Even taking a few of his tips to implement daily, is enough to see a drastic change in your health.

Dr Joel Kahn

Dr Kahn is a holistic cardiologist at the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity, located in Bingham Farms, Michigan.

He integrated plant-based nutrition into his practice, as he believes that whole food vegan diet is the core to preventing diseases or is the ultimate medicine. Dr Kahn has been practising medicine since the 1980s and has treated thousands of acute heart attacks, and now wants to prevent them.

Not only will you learn about the latest in the field of cardiac health, but Dr. Kahn also keeps you updated about the latest research on CoVID, shares motivational quotes and even government policies shaping our eating habits.

Dr Angie Sadeghi

Dr Sadeghi is a gastroenterologist in Newport Beach, California. She was a vegetarian for 12 years before adopting a vegan diet in 2014.

After eliminating dairy from her diet, her chronic health issues of eczema and fibromyalgia symptoms wholly disappeared. Therefore, upon realising the benefits of a plant-based diet, she encourages a plant-based diet for a healthy colon.

Her page features the type of foods she eats daily, gut- health relationship and latest research on plant- based nutrition.

Dr Neal Barnard

Dr Barnard is a medical doctor and is also president of the Physician Committee for Responsible Medicine.

He is also an editor in chief for a nutritional textbook named Nutrition Guide for Clinicians. The work is covered by over 90 scientific publications, which even included studies of metabolic effects after adopting a plant-based diet.

Consequently, in 2018 the PCRM doctors gathered in front of the White House to raise awareness of veganism. And the following years, the PCRM members from the medical community urged Americans to ditch dairy products.

Dr. Barnard’s book on diabetes reversal was my introduction to disease management on a plant- based diet. Ever since, I have been hooked to his instagram page for latest science in the field of nutrition. I highly urge you follow him.

Dr T. Colin Campbell

Dr T. Colin Campbell is a biochemist interested in the relationship between nutrition and its long term effect on health.

He is well known for his book published in 2004, "The China Study,"- the most comprehensive epidemiological study of health and nutrition. This was also the book that made me switch to a plant- based diet. One book I highly suggest all nutrition and fitness experts to read.

His most significant focus is on cancer development and how environmental factors such as diet can turn on and off cancer genes. Dr. Campbell’s IG page is dedicated to delicious plant- based recipe’s and upcoming workshops that provide a plethora of knowledge for a very small to no cost.

Dr. Garth Davis

Another one of a kind surgeon, athlete and author who busts myth’s on animal centric high protein diets. His book ‘proteinoholic’ is a must read for all fitness fanatics. His washboard abs at the age of 50 will put most kids half his age to shame.

Dr. Davis is pure motivation not he move to follow online. He is vocal about political policies shaping our food industries and often talks about scientific date that does not make it into the limelight as it is not profitable for big corporates.

Dr. Davis is also often at the center of controversies as he does not shy away from questioning false research and online ‘influencers’ who promote high fat and high protein meal plans.

Dr. Brooke Goldner

A board certified physician specialising in auto- immune disease management. Dr. Goldner’s page is filled with knowledge delivered in minute sized videos. You are sure to learn something new from here everyday.

From dealing with post CoVID hairless to why fish is not the best source of omega- 3 fatty acid, she talks on a number of different topics. Besides this, Dr. Goldner let’s us in on her fitness regimen and play time with her kids. Her charismatic smile is sure to capture you and appreciate making lifestyle changes even more.


Veganism is not just a trend but a healthy lifestyle and is also good for the environment. But we often associate a vegan diet with being ‘protein deficient’ or ‘nutrient deficient’. This is far from true. These doctors have dedicated their lives to making a difference and busting myth’s on a plant- based diet.

If you are on instagram, fill your feed with jewel’s of knowledge coming directly from experts.

Trust this helps,

Roshni Sanghvi.

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About Roshni Sanghvi

Roshni Sanghvi is an Indian plant-based sports nutritionist and body transformation specialist. She is the first Indian to represent on a national bodybuilding stage being on a 100% plant-based diet. Roshni is a holistic nutritionist, graduated from the prestigious NutraPhoria college of nutrition in Canada.

She is also an ACE-certified personal trainer, certified PlantFed gut coach, certified Bodyshred, and Animal flow instructor with a specialisation in disease reversal through food and lifestyle modification.

Her approach is more focused on helping you in adopting a healthy lifestyle. With her result-oriented holistic methods, she has managed to transform and reverse lifestyle diseases such as PCOS, Thyroid, Diabetes etc for 12k+ clients worldwide.