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  • 51 Vegan Myths Debunked | Roshni Sanghvi
    October 25, 2020

    51 Vegan Myths Debunked

    There are so many myth's when it comes to a plant- based diet. As a consmuer, it can be challenging and even a cause for anxiety when you see mixed messages online. I insist you read through these points, especially if you are considering switching to a plamt- based diet to help you clear some doubts. 
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  • Where do I find Seitan in India? | Roshni Sanghvi
    September 10, 2020

    Where do I find Seitan in India?

    Are you vegetarian looking for a meat substitute in your diet? The term "wheat meat" has been around for a very long. However, it is only recently that wheat meat acquired the term of Seitan. Seitan based dishes have gained quite the popularity in recent imes, but where can one find them?
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  • Where can I get Tempeh in India? | Roshni Sanghvi
    September 7, 2020

    Where can I get Tempeh in India?

    Tempeh, an Indonesian dish made from fermenting beans is well known for it's high-protein content and is the perfect choice for the ones looking to incorporate plant- based proteins. 

    With changing times, many people are switching to authentic and nutritious food because of the many benefits it offers. Tempeh is one such item that is gaining rapid popularity in the present time.

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  • Is Veganism expensive? What broke Vegans eat? (Indian Version) | Roshni Sanghvi
    July 12, 2020

    Is Veganism expensive? What broke Vegans eat? (Indian Version)

    Veganism is a way of living that aims to avoid animal harm for ethical reasons. It has expanded to include people who make dietary and lifestyle choices to minimize harm to the environment and their health.

    Vegan diet completely eliminated animal derived products including diary products. Plant based diet is filled with nutrients derived by all plant sources including fruits, veggies, seeds, grains, pulses etc.

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  • 5 things that make you a plant-based eater instead of vegan. | Roshni Sanghvi
    June 25, 2020

    5 things that make you a plant-based eater instead of vegan.

    Both terms ‘vegan’ and ‘plant- based diet’s’ have made headlines for their health benefits in recent years and while they are similar, there are some key differences:

    When it comes to food choices, vegan diets eliminate all animal products, while plant-based diets do not necessarily eliminate all animal products, but focus on eating mostly plants- based food, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains.

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  • Why did the Shaolin Monks and Gladiators follow a plant-based diet? | Roshni Sanghvi
    June 18, 2020

    Why did the Shaolin Monks and Gladiators follow a plant-based diet?

    If we are to learn from our past and ancestors, a plant- based diet works exceptionally well (if not better) to help athletes achieve superhuman strength; On a long- term, a plant based diet can be conducive to far greater endurance, performance and health. Athletes are constantly concerned with performance, well adherence to plant-based diet reduces risk of chronic diseases.
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  • Top 10 things to consider before going Vegan in India | Roshni Sanghvi
    December 17, 2019

    Top 10 things to consider before going Vegan in India

    I wish I could go back to my old self and read this article! But moreover, I have seen people get very excited about the concept of veganism after my seminars/ workshops and decide to switch overnight to last for exactly 24 hours later before they fall of the wagon.

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